I signed up for an OCR! What's the best way to start training? We would suggest signing up for any of our OCR Fit classes. Our trainers will know you're new and will stick by your side to make sure you're comfortable and confident throughout the class.
I'm interested in training for Ninja Warrior We hold two Adult Ninja Warrior classes a week-Tuesday and Thursday. If you're brand new we'd suggest our Thursday class as it focuses more on technique and introductory obstacles. If you've already been training, come on in to our Tuesday class!
What equipment can I use? All of our equipment is available and ready to be used by adults! We have a huge variety of OCR and Ninja Warrior obstacles, as well as a private yoga room (with blocks, mats, and straps), cardio equipment, and weights.
I'm interested in classes but I can't do that ninja stuff, what can I do? Before all the obstacles, we were originally a weight loss/general fitness gym so we hold many other classes that have nothing to do with ninja. We offer OCR Fit , Yoga, Kickboxing, Bootcamp, HIIT, Punch, Core and Phase 4. Your first class is free, come try one!
My son/daughter is interested in Ninja training, what would you suggest? If you're sure they would like it, we would suggest beginning in our Level 1 Ninja Program. This 8 week program is designed to introduce new ninjas to obstacles that will challenge their balance, coordination, and agility. If you're unsure then we'd suggest the Saturday or Sunday drop in class. This is a 45 minute instructional class spent doing obstacles. Please remember to sign up prior to class though!
How many obstacles do you have? We tend to switch up the gym often to keep it fun and exciting for everyone. We do have many staple obstacles that don't move around. In our Kids Obstacle Area we have about 40 permanent/interchangeable obstacles.
How old do you have to be? Unfortunately, anyone under the age of 5 will have to wait to ninja due to our insurance policy. We know they are eager to begin, but please respect that rule. We want to keep everyone safe and your child won't be protected under us if anything were to happen to them.
Can I bring my child's friend with us to Open Gym? Of course, we love having friends hang out together! The easiest way to go about it is to ask their parents to make them a profile online and sign the electronic waiver prior to your arrival. This can be done using the gym waiver link under the Weymouth location tab. Then when you get here it's as simple as asking for their name and they're off playing on obstacles.
Refund / Cancellation Policy If you have questions about refunds or cancellations please reach out to managerweymouth@teamawesomefit.com.