![]() I spent most of my day Sunday preparing meals. There's more dishes in my sink than a restaurant at dinner time and it was difficult to stuff all of Dave's portions into the container.. Buuut a few hours later and we had meals all prepared for two days. Yes.. two days worth... we eat a lot. So here it is. I have a bootcamp at 6:15 so I was up at 5 to have some breakfast, get to the gym to clean and make the workout. Pre-bootcamp 2 hard boiled eggs, no yolk (don't leave eggs outside to freeze and then cook them.. they don't taste good) I do the workouts during classes, but I don't give it my all.. so I burned about 500 calories during bootcamp After class I went home to eat my second breakfast with Dave Second breakfast 1 egg with yolk 3 medium mushroom cooked with my egg 1/2 banana Dave of course ate about 3x how much I ate We made our way to Stop & Shop and read every label we could of some of our favorite foods to find something that could work with this way of eating. What we learned- THERE'S SO MUCH CRAP IN EVERYTHING!! We left the store feeling a little grossed out by some of the ingredients of our favorite foods but a little exited to do this together Pre-workout snack 1c almond milk 2 strawberries 1/4c blueberries 1c kale 1 protein bar.. it's clean yay! GfB peanut butter Workout: 2 hours of upper body strength, bodyweight and core. I was shaking 40 minutes in.. so.. hungry.. A very much needed post-workout lunch 5oz chicken made yesterday 1/4c quinoa prepared yesterday 1/2c sweet potatoes prepared yesterday 1c steamed veggies Bootcamp 6:10-7:10pm Burned about 500 calories More snacks! 1/2c bear naked granola 1TBS natural PB 1 organic gala apple Dinner The most delicious dinner ever. See picture above Feta tomato basil chicken over rice 4 oz chicken 6 grape tomatoes cut in half 2 leaves on basil (learned this on Bar Rescue.. slap the basil against your hand before adding it to bring out flavors) 1/2c brown rice 1 TBS feta cheese (to make this clean eating you must only get blocked feta cheese.. the crumbed cheese has a lot of additives) Totals: Calories 1717 Protein 130g Fat: 53 Carbs: 200 Calories burnt: about 1,300 Dave and I are not going for weight loss, but as of today (3/3/15) I have lost 3 pounds and Dave is down 2.8. Our energy levels are about the same but we're hungry constantly. When your body doesn't have to process through all of the bad stuff food is digested a lot quicker, which we're definitely feeling. So yesterday was the first official day of Dave and I's suuuuuper clean eating.
Working so many hours and not being able to leave the gym a lot we definitely got reliant on protein bars, shakes, and trail mix. Although eaten in moderation these foods aren't bad for you- but we were eating more than necessary. Here's the recap of day 1: Once I get a little time I'll have more in depth recipes for everyone to try for yourself (I promise we're not eating dirt) Breakfast: 3 large eggs white 1 egg with yolk 1/4c black beans 1/2c oatmeal with 1/2 banana Ate a lot since I had planned on going out for a 10miler..... which didn't happen :/ We had a kid's party today, which expels A LOT of energy and we would typically eat a whole bag of trail mix but today I was prepared- Lunch 5oz chicken 1c Whole beans and carrots (we ate this while kids were scoffing down cake and pizza.. oh how different ) After party snack: This is where Dave hates me.. 1c almond milk 1/2c kale 1/4c blueberries Post shake Dave complains how I'm trying to kill him and all kinds of crap, so hopefully tomorrow we'll be more prepared Dinner 4 oz chicken made with black beans 1/8c quinoa (just plain.. didn't feel like cooking) Post dinner snack: And this is where I'll miss my hot chocolate Hummus with carrots Organic gala apple Totals for the day: Calories 1250 Carbs:150 Protein: 110 Fat 20 Not bad for Day 1. I miss my Zone bars :( ![]() By: Jen Lawler Picture leaving your house in your perfectly fitted windbreaker, hair tied not too tight but not lose enough to come undone, brightly colored (and matching) sneakers and your music player held just right on your arm playing all of your favorite tunes. It’s a beautiful day and you’ve ate the perfect balanced breakfast. You’re energized, mind is clear and you’re ready for this 7 mile run, which you’ll complete effortlessly; without gasping for breath or hitting the pavement too hard. Every person who wants to be a runner wants this feeling, but they’ll never get it. The reality is no runner gets this lucky. That picture in your mind of the girl running effortlessly, you’ve probably seen in a fitness magazine is just that- a picture. The truth about runners 101: 1. Pre run: It takes roughly 7-10 minutes for us to be ready to hit the pavement Shoelaces need to be tied tight, and even. One side can’t be more tight that the other, it throws off the whole run Phones/Ipods have to be in the right spot- those arm band holders never stay in the same spot and if they do then you’ve pulled it so tight your circulation is probably cut off Finding the right music. That’s 3 minutes in itself because slowing your pace to switch a song isn't going to happen Along with music: earbud detangling. Will I run the cord up my shirt, bunch it up, put it in back of my head, hold it… the possibilities are endless and almost always end up with the cord whacking you in the face. Stretching- some runners do it, some don’t, some pretend. And just as you’re about to go- you need to map your route. Some runners have a route they stick to, and are happy with it- some (like myself) get bored and need new scenery so the never ending question comes- which route will take me just as long as I want to go? This brings me to my next point: 2. The things that go through our heads Running isn't smooth sailing physically or mentally. It’s a long time in your own thoughts. SOME of the things that we think: How’s my form? What’s my pace? My lungs feel like they’re going to explode. How much longer? WHY DO I DO THIS? Did I lock the door? What are they looking at? Food. Carbs. It’s freezing. It’s cold. Why can’t it rain? POTHOLE! Is that me that smells? Oh.. another runner, my form is better. Breath. Ugh this is terrible. Did I send that email? 3. The OCD a runner forms We all have habits, and we all get a little too carried away with numbers. For the most part we try to stick to a routine before our run; eat the right portion of carbs, protein and fats, charge phone, have clothes out ready to go, stretch, go. When this does happen it’s a great feeling, but sometimes you just can’t get your phone charged enough to use MapMyRun and play music- now you have to listen to your own thoughts for an hour! Not every runner eats properly- a lot of runners go out on weekends and use the carbs from the previous nights beer as their fuel. The miles, time and calories burnt is the kicker of the dilemma. You set out to run 5 miles and it takes you 45 minutes..perfect!…but you’ve burned 536 calories. If you go another few minutes you’ll get to an even 600 calories and just about 5.5 miles but only 50 minutes.. it’s a never ending battle but at some point you have to give in and deal with you uneven numbers. Foot strike- I always have to step up on the curb with my right foot, even if I have to shudder step or take an extra long stride I just can’t step up with my left. I hope others think the same. 4. Other not so glamorous oddities with runners We can get grossly sweaty; our sweat stained hats tell you we sweat, but the hat doesn’t catch all of it. Down the face, arms, legs, neck, palms, under that stupid strap that almost holds your phone on your arm, feet, and my favorite; little sweat drops down the lower back- very attractive. Our toenails fall off and for some reason it’s a right of passage. Those lost or bruised toenails prove hard work and tough miles. Our ravenous feast post long run. When we get through that front door- know that one thing has been on our mind the last 3 miles; food. We plan out what carb infested food we’ll devour, how to make it and what to drink with it. DON”T GET IN OUR WAY. We smell- sometimes we forget our deodorant- sorry. I can’t tell you all our secrets in one article… you’ll just have to check back for more :) Next time you want to try running, don’t think you’ll ever be that picture perfect model in the magazines; it’s just not going to happen. We all know shoveling lots of snow is in our future. Here's an at home workout to strengthen the muscles you need to shovel.
Weighted squats (hold anything with weight) 15x4 Plank hold for 30-60 seconds 3 sets Wide arm pushups 4 sets of as many as you can Torso twists 4x20 Finish with 60 second bridge and stretches ![]() A few days ago I blogged about my 10 nutrition rules and I've gotten some great feedback along with curiosity of my carb cycling. Here is what 4 days of eating looks like for me.
You may have a kickass workout routine, but if you don't get your eating in check, all those hours spent sweating are almost worthless.
Here are my 10 nutrition rules I stick by. 1. Carb cycling This is a great way to get out of a weight loss plateau, or to simply stay fit. There are many different ways to cycle the amount of carbs you take in, the way I found works best for me is 3 days of limited carbs, 1 day of high carbs and continue the cycle. On days of low carbs you'll want to stick to lower than 100g per day, and by doing this the body goes into fat burning mode. The one day of high carbs will replenish your body, but choose the right carbs, don't reach for that white bead! 2. The right carbs You'll want to chose the right carbs to fuel your body. Nutrition is all about keeping you energized for your day and your exercise. Carbs like sweet potatoes, brown rice, fruit, broccoli, quinoa, and oatmeal are great choices to keep you going without gaining weight. 3. Carbs at the right time Take in your carbs for breakfast and after your workout. Too many carbs aren't great for you, but too few can also slow your metabolism. Aim to get most of your carbs first thing in the morning, to give you energy and right after a workout to refuel your body. Oatmeal, grains, potatoes, veggies and fruits are great to take in during these times. 4. Don't starve Eating every few hours may seem counterproductive, but I promise it's just the opposite. Eating every 2-3 hours will give your metabolism something to do, so you'll constantly have a revved metabolism instead of slowing it. (A slow metabolism leads to increased storage of fat) Just snack right, see #5 5. Snack time For breakfast and post workout we chose a fast acting carb to give us quick energy. Snacks throughout the day is the opposite. Slow acting carbs are slowly let into your bloodstream, therefore giving you lasting energy and don't cause blood sugar spikes. For your snacks chose right- cheese sticks, cottage cheese, nuts, protein bars (I love Zone bars). 6. Water! You should be taking in at least half your weight in ounces a day. So, if you're 150 pounds you should aim to take in 75 ounces of water. Take in even more if you had a sweaty workout or it's humid out. 7. Protein! Protein is extremely important for weight loss, weight management and getting a toned look. Eat some protein with every meal. Hard boiled eggs, TBS of peanut butter, almonds, chicken, fish, protein bar or powder. Take your pick and try to incorporate it into each meal of the day 8. Drink green tea Green tea has amazing fat burning antioxidants. Brew some green or black tea and enjoy during your day. One of my favorites is Bigelow Green Tea with Pomegranate or Blueberry 9. Sweets are a must Every now and then you need to treat yourself to something yummy. My guilty pleasure is trail mix with M&Ms. It's delicious and it's just a little bit of chocolate. If you don't give in to your guilty pleasure you'll eventually binge eat sweets and feel bad about it. So, my cure is to eat just a little sweet every now and then. 10. Get back on track Most people like to start something on the first day of the week or the first day of the month. Don't give in to that. If you have a bad day of eating, perhaps a birthday party, holiday, or just feel like eating everything in sight start your healthy eating the next day. Don't wait, the more days you wait for the more days you'll eat bad and be further off track. Getting into the habit of eating healthy takes time. Trust me, it does not come easily and it's not easy to keep up with but once you start doing a few of these ideas you'll start to see a difference in your body and your energy levels. Keep up with it. Jen You've worked your butt off (literally!) all year to get in shape and reach your goals, but there's something about holidays that brings out the worst foods for keeping inches off....cookies, candy, and the calorie loaded egg nog
Here are 5 ways to stay track this year. 1. The buddy system Use your friends or family as a way to keep accountable . Find a friend to text or a family member to talk to when you're getting the urge to put a few more cookies on your plate. 2. Keep track Keeping track of calories isn't easy and it's not fun to admit how much you're eating but sometimes it must be done. Track everything you eat, even nibbling while cooking or in the car. Nibbling during the day can pack on even 1000 more calories than you normally eat!thy 3. Stay relaxed Holidays can be very stressful time. High stress levels cause your body to store fat and cause overreacting. Stay relaxed with even 10 minutes of stretching or light yoga in the morning. 4. The healthy(er) egg nog Check out our healthy(er) version of egg nog! Try the recipe, share with your friends and let us know what you think!5. Give the gift of fitness to yourself! We know it's not easy to stay fit around the holidays, so we're running our sale through December 31. Buy a 10 pack of classes for only $100 ($10 a class) or one month of unlimited classes + unlimited open gym for $75 (50% off) Healthy Egg Nog
Ingredients: 2 cups low fat milk 8 ounces egg substitute 1/2 cup nonfat dry milk 1/4 cup sugar 1 1/2 TSP vanilla extract 1/8 TSP nutmeg 1/4 cup ice Directions: 1. Place all ingredients into a blender and blend on high for 1 minute. 2. Top with eggnog and serve immediately. ENJOY! |